Subject: *PLEASE READ BEFORE UPLOADING* Author: The Grandstand Uploaded By: Peckster Date: 8/20/1996 File: README.TXT (1008 bytes) Estimated Download Time (6635 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 76 Needs: Text File Reader Please read before uploading!! Before uploading to our libraries here in The Grandstand, please read this file. All files uploaded to The Grandstand should be either Public Domain, Shareware, or Freely Distributed. We can not release files that are published commercially, and other copyright files. We encourage you to use PKZIP 1.1 to compress your files, if compression is needed. Files uploaded using PKZIP 2.04 will not be released. If you need PKZIP 1.1, please refer to our Grandstand Toolbox library to obtain a copy. All uploading time is free and will be credited back to your account by the system, whether or not your file is released to the rest of the Grandstand users. Please give a COMPLETE description of the file(s) you are uploading. The better your description, the more people will want to download your file. If you have questions about our libraries, feel free to email Peckster. Jerry Pectol aka - Peckster Director of Online Activities The Grandstand